Taylor Swift- A Celebrity With Big Name & Big Heart.

Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift was the biggest thing in music over the past year, but the resulting fame and fortune haven’t caused the 1989 singer to lose touch with her fans. Recently in a survey Taylor Swift Named Most Charitable Celebrity For Supporting Feminist Causes, Education & More. Taylor Swift has sent a surprise gift to one of her fans, A cheque of $1,989 for her to pay off her student loans. She has sent a letter also, she wrote- “Hi you. I was thinking about you today, and how you have been there cheering me on in the most thoughtful and creative ways. I love the video you made of me and my friends, and your text posts always crack me up or make me think, I got out my paints for the first time in a while today and made you something I really really really really hope you like it. I’m not a good painter but I think you’re so beautiful and positive, even though you’re dealing with the stress life brings, so I wanted to make you something“
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