Zayed Khan, who made his Bollywood debut with Chura Liyaa Hai Tumne, was once seen as the next big star. His role in Main Hoon Na alongside Shah Rukh Khan was a hit, but it became his only major success. Over the years, Zayed’s acting career struggled with 13 flops out of 15 films. He starred in movies like Fight Club and Mission Istanbul, which failed at the box office. His last film, Sharafat Gayi Tel Lene (2015), also flopped.
Despite his acting struggles, Zayed made a smart move by entering the business world. Using his business management degree, he invested in startups and various ventures. Today, his net worth is estimated at ₹1500 crore, making him wealthier than stars like Ranbir Kapoor, Prabhas, and Allu Arjun.
In a recent interview, Zayed gave financial advice, saying, “Live within your means. If you can afford a Ferrari, buy a Mercedes. If you can afford a Mercedes, buy a Fiat.” He also called peer pressure to show off wealth “terrible and criminal.”
Zayed recently announced plans to return to acting while continuing his business ventures. Fans are curious to see how he balances both careers.
#ZayedKhan #BollywoodJourney #FromFlopsToFortune #SuccessStory #BollywoodBusiness #ZayedComeback
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