Rakhi Sawant has confirmed that she is set to marry Pakistani actor and police officer Dodi Khan, marking her third wedding. In a recent interview, Rakhi shared her excitement about the marriage, saying, “We love each other. It will be a love marriage.” She also took a jab at her ex-husband, Adil Khan Durrani, accusing him of spreading false rumors about her and seeking bad publicity.
Rakhi took to Instagram to address her critics, saying she can marry wherever and whenever she wants, whether in India, Pakistan, or abroad. She also jokingly responded to Selena Gomez’s emotional reaction, clarifying that Dodi is not her boyfriend.
Rakhi was previously married to Adil Khan Durrani, but they parted ways in 2023 following allegations of infidelity, domestic violence, and financial mismanagement.
#RakhiSawant #DodiKhan #ThirdMarriage #LoveMarriage #WeddingNews #RakhiAdil #SelenaGomez #PakistaniActor
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