Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone are celebrating their 6th wedding anniversary today, November 14, marking a special moment in their lives as this is the first anniversary after welcoming their daughter, Dua Padukone Singh. Ranveer shared a heartfelt photo dump on Instagram to wish Deepika. The photos included Deepika laughing, vacation selfies, pictures in both casual and traditional outfits, enjoying ice cream, and a snap from her maternity photoshoot. There was also a moment of Ranveer watching Deepika’s song from her 2015 movie Piku.
In his post, Ranveer wrote, “Every day is Wife Appreciation Day, but today is the main day 😊 #HappyAnniversary @deepikapadukone 💋❤️” to express his love and admiration for her.
The couple, who met on the sets of Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela in 2013, married in a private ceremony in Lake Como, Italy, on November 14, 2018. Earlier this year, they announced their pregnancy and became parents to Dua in September, although they’ve kept her face private.
#RanveerDeepikaAnniversary #6thAnniversary #HappyAnniversary #DuaPadukoneSingh #DeepikaPadukone #RanveerSingh
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