Actor Vikram Kapadia, known for his roles in “Made In Heaven” and “The Night Manager,” recently criticized two of Bollywood’s biggest production houses, Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions and Aditya Chopra’s Yash Raj Films. In an interview, he said these studios have an “ego,” which leads them to pay actors less while expecting gratitude for the opportunities they provide.
Kapadia explained that while payments are always made on time, the pay is lower because of the studios’ status. He stated, “They think, ‘We are Yash Raj and Dharma, so we will pay you a little less.’”
Karan Johar previously acknowledged the rising costs of actors, stressing that the film industry is facing challenges that affect remuneration.
#VikramKapadia #DharmaProductions #YashRajFilms #Bollywood #FilmIndustry #ActorPay #KaranJohar #AdityaChopra
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