Shah Rukh Khan was spotted at Mumbai airport heading to Abu Dhabi for the IIFA event. In a viral clip, as he exited his car surrounded by bodyguards, a fan rushed towards him, causing him to briefly lose his balance. Despite the chaos, he kept his cool and waved to fans before entering the terminal. Dressed in a black sweatshirt and sunglasses, SRK handled the moment like a true star!
Fans reacted online, expressing concern over the fan frenzy, saying it looked “scary” and that security needs to be tighter.
Shah Rukh will be hosting the IIFA Awards and will soon appear in the film King and lend his voice to Disney’s Mufasa: The Lion King.
#ShahRukhKhan #MumbaiAirport #IIFA2024 #FanFrenzy #SRK
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