Alia Bhatt’s new teaser for her upcoming movie Jigra has created a buzz on social media. Fans have started comparing her to Shraddha Kapoor, whose film Stree 2 recently became a massive hit. The debate on Twitter (X) quickly turned into a fan war, with each side claiming their favorite actress is the “Queen of Bollywood.”
Despite the online clash, Alia and Shraddha showed love and support for each other. Shraddha praised the Jigra teaser on Instagram, saying she wants to watch it in the theater with her brother. Alia thanked her for the kind words and praised Shraddha’s success with Stree.
Jigra, set to release soon, tells the story of Satya, a determined woman ready to do anything to protect her brother. The movie, produced by Alia’s Eternal Sunshine Productions and Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions, is written by Vasan Bala. Meanwhile, Stree 2 has become a huge hit, crossing ₹800 crores at the box office and even surpassing the record of Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan.
The friendly exchange between the two actresses came amid heated debates among fans over who is the biggest Bollywood star right now. But the actresses seem to be enjoying each other’s success and keeping things positive!
#JigraVsStree #AliaBhatt #ShraddhaKapoor #BollywoodQueens
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